Every entertainment, every experience, every product we choose is affecting our frequency. To maintain a high frequency we must think on a cellular level, deep within our souls and consciousness. Therefore I created products that not only nourish your body but also enhance you human experience and raise your frequency.
Powered by nature. Crafted with love.
Designed in perfect harmony with the golden ratio, activated through sound and charged with 528 hz love & universal DNA solfeggio frequency.
As within so without.
Elevate your frequency
Expand consciousness
The golden ratio has for centuries represented perfect harmony, or the most attractive proportion in almost all things.

The golden oats Face&Body Soap
Wash away the pollution and stress and cover yourself in this high frequency foam, made with organic oat milk, the most precious unrefined oils like rosehip, rose geranium shea nilotica, aloe vera, babassu, apricot and sweet almond oil and more.
Sanfte Hafer Seife
Sanfte Reinigung auf höchstem Niveau. energetisierte Seife,
handgeschöpft aus Hafermilch, Shea Butter, Aprikosenkern Öl, Babassu , Rosegeranium und mehr.

The Golden Fibonacci Cream
Nourish your skin with this daily moisturizer designed with fibonacci flowers and ingredients leaving your skin silky, smooth and charged with the highest frequency of love . Infused with rose, precious hand whipped oils and butters. Enhanced with natural bio hacking anti-aging components like Magnolia Extract, Niacinamide and Vitamins.
Fibonacci Anti-Aging Feuchtigkeitscreme
Nahrhafter Anti Aging Moisturizer designed mit den Blumen der Fibonacci Folge. Sie ist energetisiert durch die musikalische frequenz der Rose und Liebe, spendet feuchtigkeit und beugt zeichen der Alterung vor mit Magnolien Extrakt, Vitaminen, Niacinamide und kostbaren Ölen .

The Liquid Gold Serum
Cover your skin in this Fibonacci High Vibe Superstar combines golden ratio plants and flowers and is supercharged with CBD oil, evening primerose oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip, carrot seed oil, centella extract and essential oils like cedar, rose, lavender and helichrysum and many more to nourish your skin and leave you with the softest feeling and most stunning glow.
CBD Gold Gesichts Serum
Einzigartes Hautgefühl mit diesem wertvollen und reichhaltigen Serum bestehend aus Fibonacci Pflanzen und Blumen angereichert mit CBD Öl.
Wildrose, Avocado &Karottensamen Öl, Nachtkerzen Öl, wertvollen Ätherischen Ölen und Centella Extrakt lassen die Haut von innen und aussen strahlen.

Breath free- Face Mask Sanitizer
High freuquency all natural Face Mask sanitizer -antimicrobial, antibacterial and refreshing-keeps your Mask fresh and clean to help prevent mascne. Hammamelis and Rosewater calm and nourish your skin. Essential Oils like Peppermint, Lavender, Melissa and Eucalyptus help you breath and act as anti bacterial aid. Aromatherapy for your Mask on the go.
Pflegender Masken Desinfektions Spray
Natürlicher Masken Aromatherapie desinfektions Spray. Hilft bei Maskne -unreiner Haut durch tragen der Maske. Ätherische Öle helfen wieder durchzuatmen und wirken antibakteriell. Rosen und Hammamelis Wasser pflegen und beruhigen die Haut.

The golden Eye Balm
Let this balm rich in precious oils and butters help you replenish and nourish the sensitive area around the eyes. Nilotica Shea Butter, Babassu oil Frankinsence, Helychrysum oil and many more precious oils and butters leave you feeling bright, hydrated and fresh.
Golden Eye Augen Balsam
Verwöhne deine Augen mit diesem zart schmelzenden Augen Balsam, der die empfindliche Region rund um deine Augen tief pflegt und sie geschmeidig und frisch macht.

Soft Body Butter
This soft and rich body butter will leave your skin smooth as silk. Mango Butter, Shea Butter, Cacao Butter, Jojoba Oil and Sweet almond combined with precious essential oils nourish and replenish your skin.
Pflegende Mango Körper Butter
Mango Körper Butter mit reichhaltigen, Inhaltsstoffen wie Shea Butter, Kakaobutter, Jojoba und Mandel Öl und ätherischen Ölen pflegen und nähren die Haut.

The high vibe tinctures
Email us which Tincture you would be interested in and we send you more info. You can also request a tincture tailored to yourself and needs mixed by our founder and plant alchemista Jeannine Rose.
Fibonacci Energizer
energy boost & anti fatigue
Anti stress & calm
relax and calm your nervous sytem
Beautyfying & heart opening
tincture for great skin and expansion of the heart
Womens Tincture -hormone regulating, menopause,wombhealing
Sleep Tincture
sleep easy and through the night
Wähle zwischen diesen Tinkturen oder schreib uns welchen Wunsch du hast und Jeannine mischt dir persönlich deine Tinktur.

The ancient Beard and Hair Oil
close your eyes and dream yourself back into an ancient temple where priestesses drip this golden nourishing oil made from argan oil, aloe vera, neem, ginger, patchouli, sandalwood and ylang ylang onto your hair leaving it silky, hydrated and shiny.
Bart und Haar ÖL
schliesse deine Augen und träume dich in einen Tempel aus alten Zeiten wo Tempelfrauen dein Haar mit diesem pflegenden gold farbenen Öl bestehend aus Argan Öl, Alove Vera, Neem, Ingwer und ätherischen Ölen wie Sandelholz, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang uvm.

Golden Eye Growth Serum
This all natural, hormone free eyelash and eyebrow growth serum based on ancient recipes from eastern cultures enhanced with castor oil, rose hip, ginger etc. leave your lashes and brows shiny and help boost natural growth.
Augenbrauen& Wimpern Serum
Eine Formel wie sie schon zu 1001 Nacht Zeiten verwendet wurde. Kostbare Öle wie Rizinus, Ingwer und Hagebutte verleihen glanz und regen das Haarwachstum an.

The ancient beauty tea
Roses, Apples, Hibiscus, Oranges, Peppermint, a symphony of feel good heart opening and beautifying ingredients.
Nourish your heart, nourish your soul, nourish your skin.
All organic ingredients.
Schönheits Tee für Haut und Seele
Rose, Apfel, Hibiskus, Orange, Pfefferminze
warm oder kalt als Eistee geniesse, einfach süssen nach belieben und mit Eiswürfeln kühlen.

The golden ratio
The Golden Ratio: A Principle of Energy Flow
​In nature, the golden ratio governs objects as large as galaxies and as small as the DNA. The golden ratio has for centuries represented perfect harmony, or the most attractive proportion in almost all things.
The golden ratio is sometimes called the "divine proportion," because of its frequency in the natural world. The number of petals on a flower, for instance, will often be a Fibonacci number. The seeds of sunflowers and pine cones twist in opposing spirals of Fibonacci numbers.
The golden ratio is supposed to be at the heart of many of the proportions in the human body.The golden ratio or golden mean, represented by the Greek letter phi (Ï•), is an irrational number that approximately equals 1.618.

528 hz
Solfeggio frequencies refer to specific tones of sound that help with and promote various aspects of body and mind health.
Solfeggio frequencies have such positive effects because they resonate in harmony with the Schumann resonance of 8 Hz.
528Hz resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra, our third energy center. Known as the frequency of Love, it restores human consciousness & brings about harmony and balance in life. It also helps create self-love and can ease illness, hatred and fear in the world.